/ Women in Photonics Technologies / Mentorship and Coaching Workgroup
This workgroup develops mentorship programs to help members thrive in college and be successful at their workplace.
Would you like to connect with one of our coaches? Submit the form below – we are here to help!
Navigating professional development and career growth
Navigating certificate and college programs
Navigating the workforce environment
Building a strong graduate portfolio and securing employment
“Being a woman in optics and photonics can be a great way to share your unique perspective to help solve complex problems where many perspectives are needed.”
Navigating professional development and career growth
Navigating certificate and college programs
Navigating the workforce environment
Building a strong graduate portfolio and securing employment
“The optics field has applications to medicine, the environment, defense, etc.—it’s easy to see why it captivates our attention.”
Navigating professional development and career growth
Navigating certificate and college programs
Navigating advanced degree programs
“One of the great things about light is that it’s all around us. Everywhere you look, you can think about the science of light. Light, and photonics—the technologies that use light—are exciting fields of study. We need more light experts (like you) to join the field and carry us into the future with new and innovative technologies.”
Building a strong graduate portfolio and securing employment
Navigating professional development and career growth
“I hope that many, MANY women make the commitment and leap into photonics education and careers. Time and again, I witness ladies in my technical courses not only compete with the best of the best, but also push their gender opposite to be better than they normally would be. A classroom culture of twenty-something men changes DRASTICALLY for the better with a female present in the class. They make the entire ROOM better just by their presence. Women have been far too underrepresented in this career field and offer too much to stay away any longer. There are far too many open job opportunities for anyone and everyone, and women in photonics will only make the industry better!!!”
Navigating the workforce environment
Navigating advanced degree programs
“Working with light is never boring. Every answer you discover, brings new questions. In the photonics field, problem solving skills are a must. Don’t worry, the more you learn, the harder the puzzle and the more rewarding the solution. It really is as fun as it sounds.”
Navigating professional development and career growth
Navigating the workforce environment
Building a strong graduate portfolio and securing employment
Navigating advanced degree programs
“During my 21 years of recruiting laser students, it is just so amazing to me how difficult it is to get women to consider a laser career, where they normally outperform men! Women tend to be more focused, have a stronger work ethic, quicker to comprehend difficult technical topics, and have a more delicate and careful touch when handling and building optical and laser systems, especially with the component sizes shrinking so fast. Plus, women are in high demand in technology industries, like lasers, requiring these traits and skills. But, I should not be surprised, since during my 30 years of industry, I experienced the same difficulty of hiring female technicians and engineers, in fields that they both loved and excelled at. But, during my most recent high school recruiting visits, we are beginning to see more interest by the young ladies. It will be so encouraging to see higher percentages of female technologists! So, ladies, please help make it happen!!!”
Navigating professional development and career growth
Navigating the workforce environment
“Optics and photonics (O&P) technologies underpin virtually every part of technology that the world relies on daily. By becoming part of this growing field, you’re establishing a foundation that can propel you into any technology sector – medical, transportation, communications, entertainment, manufacturing – you name it! The O&P community is welcoming and full of opportunities. I hope you’ll join us.”
Navigating professional development and career growth
Navigating certificate and college programs
Building a strong graduate portfolio and securing employment
“Photonics, lasers, optics, and fiber optics are excellent careers for everyone who loves challenges and wants to make this world a better place! These technologies are used in healthcare, energy sectors, telecommunications, pharmaceutical industry, advanced manufacturing, defense and security, and more. There are many educational paths in technology today, including fast-track certificates and two-year college degrees. Choose the right one for you!”