News  / Summer Learning Programs at LASER-TEC 2019

Summer 2019 will be rich with multiple student learning programs at LASER-TEC. The programs will differ in lengths, their major learning areas, populations to which they cater, but they are all designed to introduce students to advancements in modern electronics, automation, lasers, fiber optics, photonics, and robotics technologies. These transitional camps provide a platform for students to get ready for college, build skills, advance knowledge, bring awareness and prepare them for careers in photonics that will elevate their socioeconomic status.

The programs that have been scheduled and started the enrollment process: Coding with Arduino-Visible Light Spectrum (one week), Coding with Arduino-Wireless Technologies (one week), Coding with Arduino – Game Programming (one week), Electronics Maker (one week), and Emerging Technologies Summer Camp (8 weeks). LASER-TEC’s camp modules have been embedded in multiple college, K-12, and afterschool learning programs – Environmental Learning Center Summer STEAM Mentorship Program, QUEST, TECHKNOW Camp, Upward Bound Math & Science Summer STEM Institute, Summer Trek, and others. Though these summer learning programs, LASER-TEC is planning to impact close to 1,000 students.

If you’d like to learn about summer program curriculum and tools, or if you need any assistance in planning or hosting a camp, please contact Dr. Chrys Panayiotou at (772) 462-7621 or