News  / Plan to Attend HI-TEC 2022 and Apply for LASER-TEC Sponsorship

Supported by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education (NSF ATE) program, HI-TEC is a national conference on advanced technological education where secondary and postsecondary educators, counselors, industry professionals, trade organizations, and technicians can update their knowledge and skills.
This conference offers a wide range of professional development. LASER-TEC is contributing to the program and will be hosting two events:
  1. Quantum Photonics Cryptography pre-conference workshop. July 25th, 8:00am-12:00pm
  2. Photonics-Optics Technology Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting. July 25th, 1:00pm-5:00pm
We invite all OPCN faculty and coordinators to attend the conference and LASER-TEC events. LASER-TEC will sponsor OPCN faculty attending the event by covering the following conference expenses:
Conference registration fee – $595
Pre-conference workshop fee – $100
SIG meeting fee – $100
If you are interested in the LASER-TEC sponsorship, please fill out this form.
More about the conference events hosted by LASER-TEC:
Practical Demonstration of Quantum-Inspired Cryptography for Technical and Non-Technical Professionals
July 25th, 8:00 am-12:00 pm
Quantum technologies are emerging as the technologies of the 21st century with the potential to radically transform the way we live, communicate, and sense the world. Quantum cryptography is a technology that uses quantum physics for 100% secure communication. New cryptographic techniques have recently emerged that combine quantum and traditional methods to protect against quantum threats. In this workshop, we will elaborate on the foundations of quantum cryptography, how it works, and its current challenges. The course participants will set up a simple communication link based on BB84 protocol and demonstrate a classical version of quantum encrypted communication.
Photonics and Optics Technology Special Interest Group Meeting
July 25th, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm
This is a meeting of instructors, advisors, counselors, or other professionals involved with photonics, optics, and fiber optics education. It is an excellent opportunity to talk about your program, learn from other professionals from other colleges, and exchange ideas on overcoming common obstacles. This is a great forum to learn more about pursuing ATE grants and identify synergies and opportunities for collaboration in pursuing future grants.