Photonics in Nanotechnology Measurement: A study of Atomic Force Microscopy | ​Photonics Enabled Technologies Module


This module addresses the role of optics and lasers in the field of optoelectronics.


This module addresses the role of optics and lasers in the field of optoelectronics.

Upon completion of this module, the student should be able to do the following:
• Explain the methods of operation of an AFM
• Explain how interferometry is used in atomic force microscopy
• Explain how a photodiode is used in atomic force microscopy
• Explain how an optical grating is used in atomic force microscopy
• Explain the modes of operation of an AFM
• List several applications in nanotechnology of an AFM
• Replace the probe and cantilever of an AFM
• Align the laser to the probe in an AFM
• Prepare a sample for inspection in an AFM
• Operate a Topometrix AFM and produce a surface image from a selected sample