Metrology of Optical Systems Course Materials


This course is a hands-on laboratory course that will detail the measurement techniques required to ensure that a fabricated assembly or system of optics meets its procurement specifications. It covers the design and application of optical metrology instrumentation such as interferometers and modulation transfer function measurement systems. Emphasis is on test applications that are required in optical engineering and manufacturing. Students will gain hands-on experience with industrial hardware and laboratory tools.



This course is a hands-on laboratory course that will detail the measurement techniques required to ensure that a fabricated assembly or system of optics meets its procurement specifications. It covers the design and application of optical metrology instrumentation such as interferometers and modulation transfer function measurement systems. Emphasis is on test applications that are required in optical engineering and manufacturing. Students will gain hands-on experience with industrial hardware and laboratory tools.

This course was developed under DUE1801019 OPAL-TEC.

The course package includes the following materials: Administrivia, Lab Experiments, Lectures, Textbook and Resources, Quizzes and Exams (please send request directly to the author, Dr. Brian Monacelli).  This material is OER licensed under CC BY 4.0.

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