Infrared Systems for Homeland Security | Photonics Enabled Technologies Module


This module is one of three pertaining to the role of optics and lasers in homeland security.


This module is one of three pertaining to the role of optics and lasers in homeland security.

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to do the following:
• Define what part of the electromagnetic spectrum constitutes the infrared light spectrum
• Define how infrared focal plane arrays operate
• Understand how heated bodies emit light radiation
• Define how light is transmitted through the atmosphere and why only certain regions of the infrared spectrum are utilized by infrared detection systems
• Calculate the flux transfer of light from a source to the detector in an infrared system
• Understand differences between various infrared detector technologies and over what part of the infrared spectrum they are used
• Understand different applications of infrared systems and how to determine the best infrared camera for particular applications
• Use infrared performance measurements to determine whether a system will meet an application requirement