Basics of Spectroscopy | Photonics Enabled Technologies Module


This module is the first of three pertaining to the role of laser spectroscopy as a photonics-enabled technology.



This module is the first of three pertaining to the role of laser spectroscopy as a photonics-enabled technology.

When you have finished this module you will be able to:
• Define spectroscopy, spectra, and spectrometer.
• Outline the development of spectroscopy as a science.
• Distinguish between emission and absorption spectra.
• Distinguish between line and band spectra.
• Describe the infrared (IR), ultraviolet (UV), and visible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
• Describe how atoms and molecules absorb, store, and emit energy.
• Describe how electromagnetic energy is separated into different wavelengths by prisms and gratings.
• Describe how prisms, diffraction gratings, and interferometers are used in spectrometers to record emission and absorption spectra.
• List various sources of light that can be analyzed by spectroscopy.
• List at least six major areas in industry and technology that apply the science of spectroscopy to identify substances and control emissions.