  • Fundamentals of Fiber Optics Course Materials Quick View
    • Fundamentals of Fiber Optics Course Materials Quick View
    • Fundamentals of Fiber Optics Course Materials

    • $0.00
    • This course provides a practical, real-world perspective on the fundamentals of fiber optics technology and optical data communications. It examines the reasons why optical fibers are the preferred communications medium, surpassing copper wire in all performance measures. A thorough explanation of how fibers work will be offered, as well as useful coverage of other related optical components and how those…
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  • Geometrical and Physical Optics Course Materials Quick View
    • Geometrical and Physical Optics Course Materials Quick View
    • Geometrical and Physical Optics Course Materials

    • $0.00
    • This course teaches principles of geometrical and physical optics that can be applied in the fields of electronics, instrumentation, telecommunications, and biomedical equipment. The first half of this course will be focused on the fundamentals of geometrical optics. Participants will learn how to manipulate light using mirrors and lenses. The theoretical analysis based on ray-tracing techniques and mathematical equations will…
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  • Introduction to Photonics Course Materials Quick View
    • Introduction to Photonics Course Materials Quick View
    • Introduction to Photonics Course Materials

    • $0.00
    • This course covers the fundamental principles of light, such as the terminology relating to light, the behavior of light in different environments, and light generation and manipulation. Concepts such as reflection, refraction, diffraction, and absorption of light will be explained theoretically and through simple experiments. Course participants will be exposed to basic optical components used in a photonics lab, and…
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  • Light and Lasers Course Materials Quick View
    • Light and Lasers Course Materials Quick View
    • Light and Lasers Course Materials

    • $0.00
    • This course introduces the fundamental properties of light, including its interaction with and generation from materials. Optical hardware is used in lecture demonstrations and laboratory experiments to show how light can be controlled. Essential components of optical systems are studied, including lenses, mirrors, prisms, windows, sources, detectors, optoelectronics, polarizers, fibers, and gratings. Students will gain hands-on experience with industrial hardware…
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  • Metrology of Optical Systems Course Materials Quick View
    • Metrology of Optical Systems Course Materials Quick View
    • Metrology of Optical Systems Course Materials

    • $0.00
    • This course is a hands-on laboratory course that will detail the measurement techniques required to ensure that a fabricated assembly or system of optics meets its procurement specifications. It covers the design and application of optical metrology instrumentation such as interferometers and modulation transfer function measurement systems. Emphasis is on test applications that are required in optical engineering and manufacturing.…
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  • Optical Devices Course Materials Quick View
    • Optical Devices Course Materials Quick View
    • Optical Devices Course Materials

    • $0.00
    • This course explores the principal tools that are used when working with light, such as lasers and other light sources, cameras, and sensors. Optical hardware and its constituent components will be studied, including fundamentals of lasers to gain media, pump sources, and mirror cavities; investigation of camera components and essential chemistry. Students will gain hands-on experience with industrial hardware and…
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  • Quality Assurance of Precision Optics Course Materials Quick View
    • Quality Assurance of Precision Optics Course Materials Quick View
    • Quality Assurance of Precision Optics Course Materials

    • $0.00
    • This course addresses the basics of specification, manufacturing, and assessment of precision optics. It presents an introduction to quality assurance (QA) practices required to identify, inspect, and measure optical components. Materials and tools found in industrial optics fabrication and inspection shop are used in lecture demonstrations and laboratory experiments. Students will gain hands-on experience with these industrial materials and QA…
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