We are now well into the fall semester, and colleges throughout the country are reporting mixed results as far as enrollment is concerned. Some colleges report increased enrollment due to new students changing careers, while others are still suffering from a drop in enrollment due to the pandemic. One thing that appears to be certain is that COVID -19 is not going away anytime soon, but we are all hopeful that 2022 will bring the end of the pandemic.
We have a variety of interesting articles in this issue: the rise of quantum technologies, the boost to US precision optics programs provided by a DOD grant, the renewed interest in optics and photonics technologies created by the National Photonics Initiative, how to prepare to celebrate the world-wide day of photonics on October 21, and much more. Also, don’t forget the large collection of photonics books, lab manuals, educational kits, and assistance we can provide to help you expand, improve, or update your optics and photonics programs at https://laser-tec.org/resources/.
Looking forward to cooler temperatures and the fall equinox on September 22,
Chrys Panayiotou
Fort Pierce, Florida