The October newsletter is a reminder to industry seeking technicians with laser-photonics and opto-electronics skills that a new group of graduates will be available to hire in December 2021 – the end of this semester.
Our OPCN partner colleges would be delighted to host your recruiters or representatives on their campuses. This is the time to contact faculty and program managers and make arrangements for a visit and recruiting event at the college of your choice before the end of the fall 2021 semester. For a complete list of contact persons and college information, please visit our college network page.
This issue includes an article on how photonics technology helps us understand climate change, an invitation to review a new educational module on wide bandgap semiconductors, and updated instructor resources for the textbook Fundamentals of Light and Lasers.
Our job column lists a record of 501 openings for laser and electro-optics technicians across the United States in the month of October. Please pass this information on to your students, counselors, and advisors, or anyone that may benefit from it.
This is a great time for high school graduates or people changing careers to enroll in a photonics program and very quickly acquire the skills to enable them to obtain one of these desirable and high-paying jobs.
Best Wishes,
Chrys Panayiotou
Fort Pierce, FL