Thanksgiving is approaching and fast signaling the closing of this semester and reminding us to prepare for the spring semester starting in January 2021. Make sure you have all the text and lab books you will need for your photonics classes.

As you know, LASER-TEC has a rich collection of Open Education Resources (OER). Visit the following page that lists all the available books for free download. Are your labs stocked with the materials and equipment your students will need? Visit the following page that lists all the LASER-TEC affiliated companies that will provide you with a substantial discount.

We have received thank you videos from students from different colleges that have been using the Light and Optics Experiment Kits (LOEK) during the pandemic. Please click here to watch these videos. More than 220 students are using LOEK’s thanks to the NSF ATE program and Dr. Celeste Carter.

In this issue, you will find an article on LiDAR that has made great strides in the reduction of size and cost and its many applications. Our online, self-paced courses on photonics technology have been approved by the Board of Laser Safety for the recertification of Laser Safety Officers. Also, please remind your students about the availability of scholarships and relevant deadlines.

As always, we scan the laser-photonics-optics openings for technicians nation-wide and post them on the left column of this newsletter. Share this information with your students, and contact the companies with openings and invite them to come to your school to recruit graduating students.

From all of us at LASER-TEC,

Best wishes for a healthy and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday!