Most OPCN colleges had their spring semester graduations and report that their graduates have the luxury of more than one employment offer. The demand for technicians with laser-photonics skills is very high as you can see from the “Jobs for Graduating Students” column on the left hand side of the newsletter.  
In this issue, you can read about the Mars Rover Perseverance and its laser-photonics arsenal, the upcoming HI-TEC Conference in July and the complimentary registrations we offer to our OPCN college coordinators, the International Day of Light on May 16th, the LASER-TEC LinkedIn page, and much more.
Don’t forget to plan and execute your recruiting activities during the summer months to increase enrollment for the fall semester. We need to produce more laser-photonics technicians to satisfy the high demand from industry. Spread the news about these exciting, high paying, and essential to the economy jobs. Visit our resources for a rich variety of helpful material that can help you in your recruitment efforts.
Wishing you a happy, healthy, and productive summer semester,