This is the time to plan for the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference which will take place in Portland, Oregon, on July 27-30, 2020.

LASER-TEC will have a strong presence at this conference. On Monday, July 27, we will have a full day preconference workshop in collaboration with Corning Optical Communications. On Tuesday, we will have a full day course in Laser Safety Officer Training in collaboration with KENTEK, offered to the OPCN members as a Special Interest Group. During the conference, on Wednesday and Thursday, we will have sessions on Lidar, The German Apprenticeship System, how to run an Effective Advisory Committee and more.

Please make your travel plans now and reserve your hotel room as soon as possible. LASER-TEC will be able to sponsor the travel for 18 OPCN coordinators this year who do not receive any NSF support. We will cover the airfare, lodging for three nights (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday), and meals. Contact Natalia to get on the list for one of the 18 spots and discuss any questions you may have.

Our project with Photonics Spectra is going well with great feedback from industry. The Laser Photonics AAS degree program of Central Carolina Community College was featured in the February edition. Please send us your college’s information to be featured in a future edition.

Photonics Spectra print and online magazine has a total circulation of 100,000 laser photonics professionals potentially interested in laser photonics technicians. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to advertise your program to the most relevant audience for free!

Wishing you all the best,

Chrys Panayiotou