What a year 2020 was! COVID-19 turned our world upside down and affected everyone on our planet. The good news is that vaccines are now starting to be delivered and hopefully 2021 will be a happier and more relaxing year for everyone.

In this issue, we have an article on how laser-photonics technologies were used in vaccine development, a reminder and resources for better student engagement, job search guidance, industry tours, and professional development workshops. Get your students ready and invite industry to visit and recruit from your classes.

During 2020, LASER-TEC was able to make and distribute free of charge 220 Light and Optics Experiment Kits to students from 14 different colleges that allowed them to perform 23 experiments at home. We express our thanks to NSF and Dr. Celeste Carter for the supplemental funding that made this possible.

Looking forward to 2021, LASER-TEC is working on updating many resources we have available on our website. In January, we will release the first edition of the educational module “Fundamentals of Laser Diodes and Applications”. We will follow with additional modules during 2021.

We would like to express our sincerest appreciation for your collaboration and support during this very difficult year. Looking forward to a better future, we send our wishes for a Merry Christmas – Happy Holidays and a Normal New Year!

Chrys Panayiotou and the LASER-TEC team