As we all prepare for the fall 2020 semester, we continue shipping Light and Optics Experiment Kits (LOEK) to students nation-wide. The accompanying videos are finished and available on our YouTube channel.

This fall, we are offering two online courses for incumbent workers of the US industry that need upskilling in photonics and optics. These courses are also available to educators with LASER-TEC waiving the tuition fees upon request. See more information in the newsletter.

A new recruiting flyer was developed targeting workers that lost their jobs due to COVID-19 and demonstrates how they can quickly gain new skills in photonics that can lead to more secure jobs in essential industries. The flyer can be downloaded and customized for your own college.

Please help me welcome the following new colleges to our OPCN community:
Young Harris College, GA, Sussex County Community College, NJ, and Truckee Meadows Community College, NV. We also welcome the high school Regents School of Austin, TX.

ANSI has just approved the new version of Z136.5, the Laser Safety Standard for Educational Institutions. See below an overview of the updated standard from the chair of the committee and OPCN member Fred Seeber.

Wishing you a successful and productive fall semester,
