I hope this newsletter finds you well and safe during these difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Almost all OPCN colleges are operating remotely to ensure the safety of their students and fellow co-workers. From my discussions with instructors from many colleges, everyone has quickly moved their instruction to online platforms that allow the students to do their studying, learning, and testing from home. However, one major issue that has not been resolved is the hands-on learning that was done in college laboratories with specialized parts, devices, and instrumentation. LASER-TEC is working with NSF to provide a solution for this problem for the beginning courses of Photonics programs by providing a free Light and Optics Experiment Kit (LOEK) to all OPCN students for home use. Please read the following article for more details and how to get the LOEK to your students.

Let’s work more closely together to help each other during these difficult times, and feel free to contact me if LASER-TEC can assist you in any other way.

Best wishes for health and safety,
