/ News / LASER-TEC Professional Development Courses Now Approved by BLS for Recertification

In September 2020, LASER-TEC’s online professional development courses were certified for the Board of Laser Safety Certification Maintenance (CM) points. The CM points are awarded as follows:
Introduction to Photonics – 6 CM points
Geometrical and Physical Optics – 6 CM points
Fundamentals of Fiber Optics – 6 CM points
Laser Systems and Applications – 6 CM points
These courses are also eligible for educators as continuing education/professional development hours.
The series of laser-photonics courses, developed and offered by LASER-TEC, are designed to investigate and strengthen technical knowledge of laser, photonics, and fiber optics technologies in a convenient online and self-paced format. Full-tuition scholarships are available for college faculty and K-12 teachers.
Learn more by visiting our courses page.