News  / LASER-TEC Hosts Student Summer Learning Programs

LASER-TEC has reevaluated its student outreach and began focusing on a long-term engagement with students, gradually getting them ready for laser technology programs. During summer 2019, our Center hosted 7 different camps for 136 middle and high-school students. Each camps was at least 40 contact hours, one camp- The Emerging Technologies Summer Camp- was offered for 8 continuous weeks and was offered for underrepresented, underserved local populations. During these camps, students explored optics, photonics, advanced electronics, programming, applied mathematical and science concepts.

The program evaluations and student assessment indicate that students have improved their knowledge in math, programming, electronics, and optics. Several students now reconsidering their previous choices of academic programs and planning to dual-enroll in the photonics program. If your college is interested in complementing the program outreach with student camps, please contact us for more information about how to host a camp, how to leverage your institution available resources, recommended lessons, kits, and tools.