/ News / LASER-TEC Collaborates with LIA to Interview Dr. Alexis Vogt for First Article in Series “Women in Photonics”

Shaping the Future of Optics & Photonics
Endowed Chair and Associate Professor of Optics at Monroe Community College, Dr. Alexis Vogt talks about the demand for precision optics programs in community colleges and the need for female role models in STEM to inspire young girls to join the evergrowing fields of optics & photonics.
Natalia: This morning, I have the great privilege of talking to Doctor Alexis Vogt, an Endowed Chair and Professor of Optics at Monroe Community College in Rochester, New York. Dr. Vogt has had a very impressive and successful career in photonics, both in industry and academia. She volunteers a lot of her time during her already busy days to serve the local, national and international communities and inspire
youth in STEM and optics. In addition to all of these, she is a mom of three young children. Doctor Vogt, thank you so much for your time this morning.
Read the article here: https://issuu.com/marketlia/docs/lia_today_march-april-2019?e=4965308/69359607