/ Professional Development Courses / Laser Systems and Applications
This course builds on the previously acquired knowledge and skills taught in the Introduction to Photonics and the Geometrical Physical Optics courses. Advanced concepts of laser construction and operation will be taught, which includes advanced measurement techniques that depict the various output characteristics for both low-power and high-power lasers. Course participants will be given basic Laser Safety Officer (LSO) training and learn about various laser safety protocols, operating procedures, and equipment used in a Class 4 laser lab environment. Beam profilers, beam splitters, advanced level power meters, spectrometers, and other measurement equipment will be introduced and used in a lab setup. Students will be exposed to the principles and operation of gas lasers (HeNe), ion lasers, semiconductor lasers, fiber-optic lasers, and Nd:YAG lasers. More advanced techniques such as Q-switching, mode-locking, and wave division multiplexing will also be studied on a theoretical and practical level.
Course Length
Online: 6 Months
Hands-On: 2 full days (optional)
*currently unavailable*
Introduction to Photonics
Online course: $420
U.S. Educators can apply for a LASER-TEC scholarship. Contact us for details.
The cost of practical session does not include the cost of travel, lodging, or any other affiliated expenses.
We are unable to accept international payments at this time, we apologize for the inconvenience.
- Fully understand and implement laser safety rules, protocols, procedures, and equipment on a LSO-equivalent level
- Demonstrate a full understanding of OD and NHZ calculation and selection regarding laser safety eyewear for a specific laser type and MPE as well as other laser-safety equipment
- Understand the differences between various classes of lasers from the perspective of laser safety
- Describe spontaneous and stimulated emission, population inversion, laser pumping, and other concepts of laser construction and operation
- Categorize lasers according to gain medium, output wavelength, and their applications
- Identify the most important applications of lasers
- Name and describe the different types of mirrors used in fiber lasers
- Properly align the mirrors in a laser for a successful process of lasing
- Calculate and measure all important output parameters of a laser – beam divergence, beam profile, spectral characteristics, and the like
- Describe the beam divergence of a laser diode, the mounting and cooling of semiconducting lasers, and the dependence of the wavelength and threshold current in diode lasers with temperature
- Describe five processes that produce damage in laser diodes and the ways to counteract them
- Describe how fiber lasers are used in manufacturing, telecommunications, spectroscopy, medicine, and the military
- Use procedures and equipment given in the laboratory manual to safely operate a fiber laser
- Describe various methods of pulsing a laser, including mode-locking and Q-switching
- Present a brief general description of different subsystems of CW Nd:YAG lasers (such as the laser rod, optical pumping system, optical cavity, and cooling system)
- Operate and measure the output characteristics of a CW Nd:YAG laser system and a pulsed Nd:YAG laser system in the laboratory
- Explain the basic principles of Q-switching, including the concepts of amplifier gain, loop gain, and cavity “quality”
- Describe mode-locking and its two methods