/ Educators / Lessons and Course Teaching Materials / Lessons, Activities, and More

A rich collection of multiple resources about optics and light. This page also includes resources about careers in optics and photonics.
Audience: Faculty, teachers, students, parents
Levels: Elementary, middle, high school, college

A collection of activities, teacher guides, lesson plans, and many other resources for both teachers and students.
Audience: Teachers, students
Levels: Elementary, middle, high school
Tip: Search their STEM library for “optics”.

A web-based science curriculum package and student activities developed by the Florida State University and Molecular Expression. Includes interactive Java Tutorials and the downloadable guide. Cross-referenced to standards in science, math, social studies, language arts, visual arts.
Audience: Teachers, students
Levels: Elementary, Middle, High School

Teachers’ resources to engage student in optics with downloadable lesson plans. The website offers resources for these topics in optics: reflection, refraction and diffraction as well as applications like spectroscopy, invisibility and energy.
Audience: Teachers
Levels: Elementary, Middle, High school

Student activities in optics developed by the Optical Society. The website offers students to explore multiple applications of optics, hosts several educational videos and references other optics resources.
Audience: Students
Levels: Elementary, Middle, High school

A rich collection of classroom and self-study activities, teacher guides, student learning tools, and many more.
Audience: Faculty, teachers, students, parents
Levels: Elementary, Middle, High school
Tip: Search for “optics”, “light”, “lasers”.

A collection of topics in optics and lasers written for students in mind. The website authors explain in a very simple language various optical phenomena, human vision, light interaction with matter and more.
Audience: Students
Levels: Elementary, middle, high school

A compilation of activities reading materials, video tutorials, and simulations about geometrical optics, lenses and their uses. The materials are cross-referenced to the Next Generation Science Standards.
Audience: Teachers
Levels: High school

Photonics4All is a European outreach project, funded by the European Commission to promote photonics and light-based technologies throughout the EU. It includes materials for teachers and students of all grades: professional development, downloadable informational materials, videos, guidelines for best practices, quizzes, crossword puzzles, and more.
Audience: Faculty, teachers, students, parents
Levels: Elementary, middle, high school

A compiled collection of STEM educational materials, learning tools and services, designed for those who teach and learn in non-classroom settings.
Audience: Teachers, students
Levels: Elementary, Middle, High school
Tip: search for “ optics”, “ lasers”, “light”

Lesson materials for optics applied in astronomy: color, spectroscopy, reflection, telescopes, solar collectors, the optics of diffraction and more. Files are available for download. Aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.
Audience: Teachers
Levels: Elementary, middle, high school

Fiber U is the Fiber Optics Association free online learning website. The website contains free online self-study programs, tutorials, textbooks, videos and links to other FOA pages that will help learn about fiber optics and premises cabling.
Audience: College students, faculty, technicians
Level: College, industry professional development