The LASER-TEC Professional Development Workshop, The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Cyber Physical Systems and the New Workforce Skill Sets, is a one-day training for college faculty, K-12 educators, counselors, and administrators. It covers a range of topics from the latest developments in high technologies, the need to prepare the future workforce, and resources available through LASER-TEC to accomplish this task. Participants are guided through a series of hands-on demonstrations that can be easily integrated into any STEM curriculum. Each attendee receives a Light and Optics Exploration Kit.
LASER-TEC Professional Development courses are online classes which cover various topics in optics, lasers, photonics, and fiber optics. These self-paced classes consist of two parts: theory overview and practical hands-on and are offered in hybrid and fully virtual formats. They are best suited for teachers, college faculty, incumbent technologists, and individuals who would like to gain fast-track qualifications to re-enter the employment market.

This page houses a systemized collection of resources for educators, students, and their parents which were developed by our colleagues around the world. Check this page often, as we plan to update it continuously.
LASER-TEC supports a network of colleges that offer or plan to offer courses in laser, optics, photonics, and fiber optics technologies. This community of practice supports its members through networking, sharing resources and best practices in curriculum integration, student recruitment, and industry partnerships.

LASER-TEC publishes a monthly newsletter called the Optics and Photonics Education News (OPEN) where we share the latest news and updates in curriculum materials, resources, events, jobs for graduating students, as well as information related to our partner colleges and members of the laser, optics, photonics, and fiber optics industry network.