Educators  /  Lessons and Course Teaching Materials  /  Animation & Simulation Resources

This website offers a great variety of simulations on multiple STEM topics. Some of the available simulations in optics are: geometrical optics, bending light, lasers, blackbody spectrum, vision, molecules and light, optical tweezers, photoelectric effect, wave interference neon lights and other discharge lamps, and others.

 This website offers tutorials, simulations, videos, gif animation, concept builders (problem-based learning) in many areas of physics.

This website offers a lot of simulations to help students with illustration, exploration, and problem solving in physics.

This website hosts over 20 interactive simulations explaining color mixing, reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction and more.

Free 2D-simulation software from Algoryx Simulation AB designed in a playful, cartoony manner. Students can explore physics, build inventions, design games or experiment. A few simulations in optics (mirrors, reflection,  rainbows, refraction,  lens maker equation, etc. are available.

This simulation is a Java-based virtual optical bench that is accompanied by technical descriptions.