As we approach the middle of summer 2021, we hear from our industrial partners that they have difficulty finding laser-photonics technicians for entry or advanced level positions. Let’s intensify our recruitment efforts and inform our prospective students of the many opportunities waiting for them with great companies offering competitive salaries and benefits above the national average. See the present openings on the left hand column posted by

In this issue of our newsletter, you will find that wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors gallium nitrate (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC) are becoming mainstream power devices, how WBG devices are enabling more powerful laser systems while reducing their volume and weight, how to get complimentary HI-TEC conference registrations, professional development opportunities in integrated photonics and microcontroller technology, LASER-TEC resources, and much more. Niagara College is the OPCN featured program of July.

All the best,

Chrys Panayiotou