/ Educators / Lessons and Course Teaching Materials / Educational Videos for Educators

Description: A collection of instructional videos on math, science, engineering, social studies, and more with teaching resources. There is a good selection of videos on geometrical and physical optics.
Audience: Students, teachers
Level: Middle, high school
Tip: Browse optics videos under Courses/ Science and Engineering/Physics section. Other relevant topics are covered in the AP Physics 2 and Electrical Engineering sections.

Description: A YouTube Channel supported by PBS Digital Studios with many educational videos in physics, philosophy, games, economics, and more. There is a variety of well-produced videos on optics: geometrical optics, optical instruments, spectra, interference, and more.
Audience: Students, teachers
Level: Middle school, high school, college
Tip: search for optics videos under” Physics” section.

Description: A series of videos on various physics topics from a professor at San Diego State University. Instructional videos on physical and geometrical optics are available.
Audience: Students, teachers, faculty
Level: High school AP, college

A series of electronics tutorials that covers basic principles and devices in electronics for non-engineering majors. Selected optoelectronics devices are explained.
Audience: Students, teachers, faculty
Level: High school, college

This channel hosts over 100 videos about fiber optics and premises cabling.
Audience: Students, teachers, faculty, technicians
Level: High school, college, industry professional development

Videos on various topics of science developed for the youngest ones to gain interest in STEM. Several videos on optic related topics are available.
Audience: Students, teachers, parents
Level: Elementary, middle school
An educational video about the principles of laser operation developed by a professor at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and hosted by the Knowledge TV.
Audience: Students, teachers, faculty
Level: High school, college
A video developed by the Nufern Corporation about the science of light, optical fibers and the development of optical fiber lasers.
Audience: Students, teachers, faculty
Level: High school, college
A video about the basics of fiber optics developed by Corning.
Audience: Students, teachers, faculty
Level: High school, college
An animated video explaining total internal refection, fundamentals of fiber optics technology and its application.
Audience: Students, teachers, faculty, technicians
Level: High school, college, industry professional development